Defining Profile, Institutional Mission and Goals


Tatjana Volkova, Ira Harkavy, Matthew Hartley, Rita A. Hodges, Anthony Sorrentino, Joann Weeks, Que Anh Dang, Jana Bacevic


15,99 € (98 Seiten, PDF)


  • Defining Profile, Institutional Mission and Goals

    Tatjana Volkova

    The development of an institution’s vision and mission statement, and the definition of its core values is in essence the means to setting a strategic direction, providing a strong sense of the institution’s purpose in order to ensure long term success. Understanding the strategic direction is important also for building the internal quality culture of an organization. The article focuses on the BA School of Business and Finance (Latvia) experience in defining its profile, vision, mission, values and major goals for further development, and outlines the main results achieved and lessons learned.

  • Effective Governance of a University as an Anchor Institution

    University of Pennsylvania as a Case Study

    Ira Harkavy, Matthew Hartley, Rita A. Hodges, Anthony Sorrentino, Joann Weeks

    In the United States, the concept of “anchor institutions” is increasingly used to understand and describe the role that place-based institutions, particularly institutions of higher education and medical centers (eds and meds), can play in developing successful communities and cities. This article explores the role of colleges and universities as anchor institutions, the type of governance needed to infuse local engagement into all aspects of the institution, the specific evolution of the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) as an anchor, and lessons learned along the way.

  • The Role of Universities and Institutional Changes for Lifelong Learning

    Que Anh Dang

    During the past twenty years the word ‘lifelong learning’ has become a part of the lexicon of higher education language in Europe and other parts of the world. But what are the implications for institutional changes when the university sector carries out its lifelong learning mission? What challenges is the internal life of universities facing? Drawing on experiences from the Nordic countries, France, England, China and Australia, this article argues that universities can engage in lifelong learning in at least four ways: 1) train students to develop skills and attributes of lifelong learners; 2) conduct research into lifelong learning and provide knowledge for policy development and practice enhancement; 3) provide lifelong learning opportunities for non-traditional students to increase their access and improve their skills; 4) contribute to the University of the Third Age.

  • Universities in Post-Conflict Societies

    Jana Bacevic

    This contribution offers perspectives on the development and functioning of universities in postconflict societies, from general issues related to the interaction between higher education institutions and their environments in a post-conflict context, to practical aspects related to their operation and contribution to post-conflict development. The contribution emphasises the ‘dual’ nature of education in conflict and post-conflict contexts – its capability to help overcome but also reproduce societal divisions and cleavages – and tries to offer guidelines to help develop sustainable and engaged universities which contribute to post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation.

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