Employability in Higher Education


Ulrich Teichler, Mantz Yorke, Martina Vukasovic, Andrea Cammelli, Gilberto Antonelli, Matteo Sgarzi, Angelo di Francia, Henning Dettleff


19,99 € (110 Seiten, PDF)


  • Higher Education and the European Labour Market

    Ulrich Teichler

    A convergent system of higher education is envisaged in Europe, notably to enhance the attractiveness of Europe for students from other parts of the world and to facilitate intra-European mobility. Available statistics and research undertaken suggest that study mobility and international professional mobility are by no means frequent, although more than 10 % of European students are temporarily mobile during their course of study. Temporary student mobility contributes only moderately to general career success, but reinforces both international professional mobility and access to international work assignments in the home country also. The Bologna process appears to have activated a multitude of measures on the part of the higher education institutions to strengthen what might best be called the professional relevance of study – instead of the widely used, fuzzy and misleading term “employability”.

  • Employability in Higher Education

    Mantz Yorke

    Employability is a richer concept than that of ‘skills’ and is elaborated in terms of the USEM approach which correlates well with widely-held academic values. USEM implies that solely didactic approaches to teaching are insufficient to facilitate the enhancement of students’ employability, and that learning experiences that require a positive engagement by students are needed. A consequence of focusing on employability is the need to review assessment practices.

  • Deconstructing and Reconstructing Employability

    Martina Vukasović

    This paper discusses the concept of employability and the relationship between employability, higher education and the world of work. The complexity of the concept of employability is discussed, as well as some misconceptions about the relationship between employability, employment, research and citizenship. A mode of course provision to enhance employability is presented. Some suggestions are put forward to assist in organising the debate on employability, as well as a number of questions to be asked during the process of course development.

  • AlmaLaurea Inter-university Consortium: Connecting Universities Effectively with Labour Markets and Professionals

    Andrea Cammelli, Gilberto Antonelli, Angelo di Francia, Matteo Sgarzi

    Aim of this article is to outline the importance of the AlmaLaurea Inter-University Consortium as the largest and most widespread system linking universities, skilled human resources and companies in the framework of Italian and international higher education. Its start in 1994 changed the Italian higher education context considerably. Through the development of new innovative tools and instruments, Italian Universities were able to accompany their young graduates during the transition period from study to work. At the same time AlmaLaurea became increasingly relevant for the academic world due to the provision of timely and updated information on graduates and their performances. This information was made available for the evaluation of the higher education system and the assessment of the Bologna Process outcomes.

  • Higher Education Reform and the New Debate on Employability: The German Case

    Henning Dettleff

    Increasing employability of graduates is at the core of many higher education reforms, including, most prominently, the Bologna Process. Just another sign of a growing commodification of education or a concern regarding the legitimate interests of students in finding a good job? The recent debate over the purposes, content and structures of higher education has shown that the new focus on employability is highly controversial. This article aims at sketching the role of employability in recent reform projects and provides an overview of the current debate over employability in Germany. It presents the different stakeholders involved in the debate, provides the first empirical outcomes regarding the acceptance of bachelor graduates in the labour market, and concludes with recommendations for further action.

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