Levels, Structures and Mechanisms of Governance and Leadership


Christian Scholz, Volker Stein, Cornelia Fraune, António Magalhães, Amélia Veiga, Germain Dondelinger, Barbara M. Kehm, Gvozden Flego


15,99 € (94 Seiten, PDF)


  • Evolving Structures of Higher Education Institutions: The Dean’s Role

    Christian Scholz, Volker Stein, Cornelia Fraune

    This article focuses on those leadership and governance issues that are relevant for the task of leading a faculty. The objective is to decode the non-transparency surrounding a Dean’s room for manoeuvre, and to provide an action plan with suggested concrete, stage-appropriate activities. Starting from a theory-based discussion on university governance and faculty governance, we show four stages of organisational university development as well as their direct consequences for organisational effectiveness. From this, we move on to a fifth stage, which is to be labelled “University Collegialism”. It complies with theoretically deduced demands for successful university management. Finally, a situational action plan for Deans is generated.

  • Governance and Management Dilemmas Arising from Substructuring in Higher Education

    António Magalhães, Amélia Veiga

    This paper addresses the issue of substructuring from the perspective of middle managers as they act as institutional mediators between governance and the academic fabric. On the basis of data gathered in eight European countries we discuss the tension between the need to tightly manage the university and the processes and structures of decision-making at the Faculty level. This tension introduces elements of governance that nuance the motto “managers must manage” and suggest to university leadership the promotion of enablement skills allowing substructuring in terms of internal articulation of organisation, and ensuring motivation through ownership.

  • Higher Education Institutions and Public Authorities

    An Essay

    Germain Dondelinger

    Changes in the governance of higher education – primarily the decentralisation and devolution of power to international organisations – have been changing the relationship between universities and the state. This leads to an apparent paradox: together with more autonomy, universities are expected to be more accountable. These changes have implications for teaching and research, especially given the increasing influence of the European Union and Europeanization of higher education through the Bologna Process. They also have implications for the governance structures within universities and academic freedom, and essentially lead to a situation of multilevel, multiactor accountability.

  • Higher Education Institutions and Changes in the Role of Public Authorities

    Barbara M. Kehm

    The contribution traces the shifts in the coordination of governance of higher education systems and institutions from strong state control and academic self-regulation to stakeholder guidance, competition on markets and managerial decision-making. Emphasis is put on the changing relationships between higher education and the state. In this context the shift from government to governance and the rise of the evaluative state are discussed as well as the question whether higher education is a public or a private good. The often heard argument that the role of the state is weakening because of the rise of supra-national actors in policy making for higher education and the agencification of quality assurance is contrasted with the argument that state functions in and for higher education are re-positioned rather than weakening or even abolished. This is intended to provide higher education institutions with possibilities to acquire actorhood and become more complete organisations.

  • The University and Public Authorities: a Plea for a Broader View of the Role of Higher Education and Research and for University Good Governance

    Gvozden Flego

    The author maintains that the university has shaped contemporary Europe through the transformation of knowledge into industrial products, and that it essentially influences our everyday lives. Public authorities are responsible for the university's sustainable development but also for ensuring conditions which provide for its institutional autonomy. The freedom of the university from outside should also be practiced within the university. Freedom is a condition for creativity and responsibility. Because of the university’s societal importance and of societal interest in its activities, the author suggests that a university council composed of representatives of academia, public authorities, the labour market and of specialized NGOs is best placed to strategically plan the further development of the university, as well as a knowledge based economy and society.

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