Working with Stakeholders


Frank McMahon, Ossi V. Lindqvist, António T. Marques, Patrícia Teixeira Lopes, J. A. Sarsfield Cabral, Jaana Puukka


15,99 € (96 Seiten, PDF)


  • Working with External Stakeholders

    Frank McMahon

    The days of universities being fully funded by governments and being allowed to live in glorious isolation from the rest of society have almost completely disappeared. Gradually, over a long period, the expectation has grown that universities would collaborate with the region and the economy in which they are based. This paper traces the development of this new role for universities and seeks to discover the pitfalls and best practices in collaborative efforts by universities with industry and other partners.

  • Working with Stakeholders: Managing with the Complexities and Expectations of the Ambient World

    Ossi V. Lindqvist

    In recent decades European universities have been drawn from their old academic isolation into the mainstream of life of their respective countries, especially through their stakeholders and partners. This has required policy actions at several levels, starting with consistent national innovation policies, followed by institutional policies and strategies by the HEIs themselves and supported by their own administrative structures. The HEIs need institutional, national and even international buffer and support organisations for overall socio-economic development. At local level, they need to build a ‘triangle’ partnership with the region and its businesses, and with the government.

  • Working with Stakeholders

    The Experience of the University of Porto

    António T. Marques, Patrícia Teixeira Lopes, J. A. Sarsfield Cabral

    U.Porto plays a major role in the Northern region of Portugal and aims to continue to play a major role in the development of the region’s future. Key elements of the evolution of U.Porto were the Strategic Plans 2009–2013 and 2011–2015. An important line of action of both strategic plans is the university contribution to the economic and social development of the region and the country. This article describes the methodology used to develop and support the implementation of the strategic plan and presents three success stories of working with the community: the “Mostra”, the U.Porto´s Fair; the Junior University; and U.Porto´s Science and Technology Park. These stories illustrate the strong impact of such activities in the development of the region, together with their mobilizing effect on key stakeholders.

  • Higher Education Institutions and Regional Engagement: what, why and how?

    Jaana Puukka

    As important knowledge organizations, universities and other higher education institutions can play a key role in driving growth and development in their cities and regions. This article highlights the content and meaning of this role, the benefits of regional partnerships for both a higher education institution and the city/region in which it is located as well as the way for a higher education institution to embark on a journey of institutional transformation and be-come an engaged institution with an active role in local and regional development. Using ex-amples from different countries, the article highlights practical approaches that higher educa-tion institutions have taken in their cities and regions. Finally, it outlines the ten necessary steps for developing and implementing an engagement strategy and a regional partnership.

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